Hello HTML5
While Flash briefly took the WWW by storm, it seems it didn’t take software developers long to come back with a competitor, albeit one that claims to more than compensate for Flash’s deficiencies. Though HTML5 is still in its refinement stages, its developers boast that it will simplify website development (i.e.: coding) as well as design (i.e.: graphical/content layout) by ultimately establishing a single universal markup language. Further, unlike Flash, HTML5 aims to be able to make complex interactive websites with heavy media content viewable across mobile platforms; something that is increasingly important in times when everyone is constantly “on-the-go”. Facebook and Youtube are among the companies who have recently implemented HTML5-based applications on a “trial model”. If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting upcoming technology that promises to revolutionize web development, don’t hesitate to contact one of our technical experts here at Inspiratica.