5 Ways Inspiratica Supports Environmental Sustainability

We here at Inspiratica have recently taken on initiatives to reduce our energy consumption and make an effort to improve environmental sustainability in London, Ontario. We have implemented a top-down strategy for reducing our ecological footprint and would like to share some easy steps all small businesses in London, Ontario can too take to “Go Green”: 1. Turn Off Equipment! – When you leave for the day, shut down your computer and turn off any other electronic devices that consume power. Turning off your computers at the end of the day reduces energy consumption…and your hydro bill! 2. Paperless Communications & Electronic Billing – We have gone paperless for intra-office communications. All memos are posted on an electronic bulletin board within the office and communications take place primarily over e-mail. All clients have been provided with the option to receive their bills electronically, instead of by mail. We have found this to significantly reduce our paper usage, especially for services that are billed monthly like web hosting and online (social media and web) management. 3. Lights! – We have switched all lights in the office to compact fluorescent light bulbs. These save energy and help to save money. We are blessed to have a lot of large windows in our office, allowing us to make use of natural light during the day and keep all office lights switched off. 4. Public Transit Initiative – Employees are encouraged to leave their cars at home and make use of the London Transit Commission’s bus system. With bus routes 1, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17 and 21 right at our doorstep, there couldn’t be a more convenient way to get to work. Employees are eligible to receive a monthly credit for the full cost of a Citipass unlimited ridership bus pass for use locally. 5. Green Product Policy – We have instituted a policy of purchasing environmentally friendly office supplies and products, whenever possible. This includes using office paper with a high recycled material content and ordering promotional products that are manufactured using recycled materials.